Big rig semi truck washes in covered car wash station with manual washing

Truck Fleet &
Heavy Equipment

We power wash truck fleets, forklifts, and loading docks. We wash all types of trucks except cement trucks and truck axles. We offer washing, aluminum cleaning, brightening, and occasionally de-greasing. We service areas in Mount Pleasant, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, and Western Pennsylvania.

Truck companies must comply with State, Federal, and Local authorities on regulations concerning vehicle washing. These regulations usually prohibit or limit contaminants from entering storm drains. This is an even bigger problem found in trucking and refining companies near streams or rivers. We have worked with companies who have to maintain extremely strict water laws and have found solutions that allow them to have their trucks washed and not have to worry about breaking these regulations.

Despite these regulations truck companies still need their vehicles cleaned, not only to show pride in the work and their business by keeping a clean vehicle, but in some cases for safety standards in what the trucks are hauling. Keeping trucks and trailers cleaned regularly not only keeps the vehicle looking nice, it removes corrosive and damaging agents such as dirt, oil, grime, and salt. This reduces rust, and rot, and extends your vehicle’s paint and undercarriage.

Como’s Cleaning & Restoration offers multiple truck fleet cleaning services and will work with you to help keep your vehicles looking nice.